Understanding the Role and Properties of disconnectedCallback() in LWC Lifecycle

disconnectedCallback() in LWC Lifecycle
Chinmaya By Chinmaya
4 Min Read


The disconnectedCallback() method is automatically called when an LWC component is removed from the DOM.
This hook is the last step in the lifecycle of a component, making it the ideal place to clean up resources and unsubscribe from services.

Key Roles

1. Resource Cleanup:

Release any resources (e.g., timers, event listeners, or subscriptions) that were allocated during the component’s lifecycle.

2. Unsubscribe from Services:

Unsubscribe from messaging services, like the Lightning Message Service (LMS) or custom event handlers, to prevent memory leaks or unnecessary callbacks.

3. Resetting States:

Prepare the component for potential reuse by resetting any states or properties if needed.

Properties of disconnectedCallbacks

1. Automatic Invocation:

This hook is automatically triggered when the component is removed from the DOM, either manually or due to framework behaviour.

2. Access to Component State:

You still have access to the component’s properties and methods at this stage, which allows you to perform necessary cleanup tasks.

3. No DOM Access:

While you can access component-level properties, the DOM is no longer guaranteed to be available for interaction.
Avoid manipulating or querying the DOM in this hook.

When to Use disconnectedCallback()

    1. Removing Event Listeners:
      Unbind event listeners attached to global objects like window or document.
    2. Clearing Timers or Intervals:
      Stop any setTimeout or setInterval calls that were started during the component’s lifecycle.
    3. Unsubscribing from Services:
      Disconnect from services like LMS or custom Pub/Sub systems.
    4. Resetting Component Data:
      Clear temporary data or reset states for proper cleanup.

Example of disconnectedCallback()

Here’s a simple example showing the typical use cases for disconnectedCallback():

HTML File (disconnectedCallbackDemo.html):

        <h1 id="disconnected-callback-demo" class="rb-heading-index-12">Disconnected Callback Demo</h1>
        <button onclick={startTimer}>Start Timer</button>

JavaScript File (disconnectedCallbackDemo.js):

					import { LightningElement } from 'lwc';

export default class DisconnectedCallbackDemo extends LightningElement {

    connectedCallback() {
        console.log('Component added to DOM');
        window.addEventListener('resize', this.handleResize);

    disconnectedCallback() {
        console.log('Component removed from DOM');
        // Clear timers
        if (this.timer) {
            this.timer = null;

        // Remove event listeners
        window.removeEventListener('resize', this.handleResize);

        // Unsubscribe from services if applicable

    startTimer() {
        this.timer = setTimeout(() => {
            console.log('Timer executed');
        }, 5000);

    handleResize() {
        console.log('Window resized');

    unsubscribeFromChannel() {
        console.log('Unsubscribed from the channel');

Explore the post below to learn about the five different lifecycle hooks in LWC.

Best Practices for disconnectedCallback()

1. Always Clean Up Resources:

Make sure to release all resources allocated in connectedCallback() or during the component’s lifecycle.

2. Avoid DOM Manipulation:

The DOM structure might already be removed; do not try to query or modify DOM elements.

3. Unsubscribe Safely:

Ensure all subscriptions or global listeners are unsubscribed to avoid memory leaks.

4. Use it for Necessary Cleanup Only:

Do not perform heavy logic or reallocate resources in this hook.

Key Takeaways

    • •The disconnectedCallback() hook is essential for ensuring efficient resource management and preventing memory leaks in LWC components.
    • •Use it to clean up event listeners, timers, or service subscriptions.
    • •Avoid interacting with the DOM, as it may already be removed.

By leveraging disconnectedCallback() effectively, you can maintain a clean and efficient component lifecycle in your Salesforce applications.

Checkout below posts to explore other Lifecycle hooks in LWC in detail

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Chinmaya is working as a Senior Consultant with a deep expertise in Salesforce. Holding multiple Salesforce certifications, he is dedicated to designing and implementing cutting-edge CRM solutions. As the creator of Writtee.com, Chinmaya shares his knowledge on educational and technological topics, helping others excel in Salesforce and related domains.
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