Top 25 Salesforce SOQL Interview Questions and Answers (Part 4)

Top 25 Salesforce SOQL Interview Questions and Answers (Part 4)
Chinmaya By Chinmaya
7 Min Read


Welcome to the final installment of our Salesforce SOQL interview questions series!

In this post, we’ll cover 25 additional questions that focus on real-world scenarios, integration, and best practices. These questions are designed to test your depth of knowledge and ensure you’re fully prepared for any SOQL-related challenge in your Salesforce interview.
Let’s get started!

Make sure to check out Part 1, Part 2, and Part 3 for the complete set of questions! 🚀

76. How do you query for records using a DateTime field?

Use the DateTime format in the WHERE clause. For example:

					SELECT Id, Name FROM Account WHERE CreatedDate > 2023-01-01T00:00:00Z

77. What is the FOR REFERENCE clause in SOQL?

The FOR REFERENCE clause is used to retrieve records for reference purposes, ensuring that the query respects sharing rules and field-level security. For example:


78. How do you query for records using a Picklist field?

Use the picklist value in the WHERE clause. For example:

					SELECT Id, Name FROM Account WHERE Industry = 'Technology'

79. What is the COUNT() function in SOQL?

The COUNT() function returns the number of records that match the query.
For example:

					SELECT COUNT() FROM Account

80. How do you query for records using a Multi-Select Picklist field?

Use the INCLUDES or EXCLUDES operators.
For example:

					SELECT Id, Name FROM Account WHERE Multi_Select_Picklist__c INCLUDES ('Value1', 'Value2')

81. What is the EXCLUDES operator in SOQL?

The EXCLUDES operator filters records that do not contain the specified values in a multi-select picklist field.
For example:

					SELECT Id, Name FROM Account WHERE Multi_Select_Picklist__c EXCLUDES ('Value1')

82. How do you query for records using a Currency field?

Use the currency value in the WHERE clause.
For example:

					SELECT Id, Name FROM Opportunity WHERE Amount > 1000

83. What is the CALENDAR_YEAR() function in SOQL?

The CALENDAR_YEAR() function extracts the year from a Date or DateTime field. For example:

					SELECT Id, Name FROM Account WHERE CALENDAR_YEAR(CreatedDate) = 2023

84. How do you query for records using a Date field?

Use the Date format in the WHERE clause. For example:

					SELECT Id, Name FROM Account WHERE CreatedDate = 2023-01-01

85. What is the CALENDAR_MONTH() function in SOQL?

The CALENDAR_MONTH() function extracts the month from a Date or DateTime field.
For example:

					SELECT Id, Name FROM Account WHERE CALENDAR_MONTH(CreatedDate) = 12

86. How do you query for records using a Lookup relationship field?

Use dot notation to reference fields from the related object.
For example:

					SELECT Id, Name, Account.Name FROM Contact

87. What is the DAY_IN_MONTH() function in SOQL?

The DAY_IN_MONTH() function extracts the day of the month from a Date or DateTime field.
For example:

					SELECT Id, Name FROM Account WHERE DAY_IN_MONTH(CreatedDate) = 15

88. How do you query for records using a Master-Detail relationship field?

Use dot notation to reference fields from the parent object.
For example:

					SELECT Id, Name, Account.Name FROM Contact

89. What is the DAY_IN_WEEK() function in SOQL?

The DAY_IN_WEEK() function extracts the day of the week from a Date or DateTime field.
For example:

					SELECT Id, Name FROM Account WHERE DAY_IN_WEEK(CreatedDate) = 1

90. How do you query for records using a Hierarchy custom setting?

Use the SetupOwnerId field to query hierarchy custom settings.
For example

					SELECT Id, Name, SetupOwnerId FROM Custom_Setting__c

91. What is the DAY_IN_YEAR() function in SOQL?

The DAY_IN_YEAR() function extracts the day of the year from a Date or DateTime field. For example:

					SELECT Id, Name FROM Account WHERE DAY_IN_YEAR(CreatedDate) = 365

92. How do you query for records using a List custom setting?

Use the API name of the list custom setting. For example:

					SELECT Id, Name FROM Custom_Setting__c

93. What is the WEEK_IN_YEAR() function in SOQL?

The WEEK_IN_YEAR() function extracts the week of the year from a Date or DateTime field.
For example:

					SELECT Id, Name FROM Account WHERE WEEK_IN_YEAR(CreatedDate) = 52

94. How do you query for records using a Junction Object?

Query the junction object and use relationship fields.
For example:

					SELECT Id, Account.Name, Contact.Name FROM AccountContactRelation

95. What is the FISCAL_YEAR() function in SOQL?

The FISCAL_YEAR() function extracts the fiscal year from a Date or DateTime field.
For example:

					SELECT Id, Name FROM Account WHERE FISCAL_YEAR(CreatedDate) = 2023

SOQL Best Practices and Performance (Continued)

96. How do you avoid querying unnecessary fields in SOQL?

Only include the fields you need in the SELECT clause. For example:

					SELECT Id, Name FROM Account

97. What is the impact of using ORDER BY on non-indexed fields?

Using ORDER BY on non-indexed fields can slow down query performance.

98. How do you handle pagination in SOQL?

Use the LIMIT and OFFSET clauses. For example:

					SELECT Id, Name FROM Account LIMIT 10 OFFSET 20

99. What is the impact of using LIKE with leading wildcards?

Answer: Using LIKE with leading wildcards (e.g., %value) can slow down query performance because it prevents the use of indexes.

100. How do you query for records using a Text field?

Use the LIKE operator for pattern matching. For example:

					SELECT Id, Name FROM Account WHERE Name LIKE 'Acme%'

You’ve just explored the Fourth Set of 25 SOQL interview questions to aid in your preparation. As part of our 100 SOQL interview questions series, we’ve divided them into four parts.

Make sure to check out Part 1, Part 2, and Part 3 for the complete set of questions! 🚀


Congratulations! You’ve now explored 100 Salesforce SOQL interview questions across three blog posts.

By mastering these concepts, you’re well on your way to acing your Salesforce interview and becoming a SOQL expert.
Remember, practice is key—so keep writing queries, experimenting with different scenarios, and applying these concepts in real-world projects.

Good luck, and may your Salesforce journey be a successful one!

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Chinmaya is working as a Senior Consultant with a deep expertise in Salesforce. Holding multiple Salesforce certifications, he is dedicated to designing and implementing cutting-edge CRM solutions. As the creator of, Chinmaya shares his knowledge on educational and technological topics, helping others excel in Salesforce and related domains.
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