Introduction25 Salesforce Interview Questions on Asynchronous Apex – Part 125 Salesforce Interview Questions on Asynchronous Apex – Part 251. What is the maximum number of Batch Apex jobs that can be executed concurrently?52. Can you use System.debug in a Future Method?53. What is the purpose of the Database.executeBatch method’s optional batch size parameter?54. Can you call a Future Method from a Scheduled Apex job?55. What is the maximum number of Future Methods that can be called in a single transaction?56. Can you use Database.Stateful in Queueable Apex?57. What is the purpose of the Database.BatchableContext object in the Finish method?58. Can you call a Queueable Apex job from a Scheduled Apex job?59. What is the purpose of the Database.QueryLocator in Batch Apex?60. Can you use System.schedule in a Trigger?61. What is the purpose of the Database.RaisesPlatformEvents annotation in Queueable Apex?62. Can you use Database.rollback in a Future Method?63. What is the purpose of the Database.BatchableContext.getJobId method?64. Can you call a Future Method from a Queueable Apex job?65. What is the purpose of the Database.AllowsCallouts annotation in Batch Apex?66. Can you use SOSL in a Queueable Apex job?67. What is the purpose of the Database.Stateful interface in Batch Apex?68. Can you call a Batch Apex job from a Queueable Apex job?69. What is the purpose of the Database.executeBatch method’s optional scope parameter?70. Can you use DML in a Scheduled Apex job?71. What is the purpose of the Database.QueryLocator in Queueable Apex?72. Can you call a Future Method from a Batch Apex job?Why You Cannot Call a Future Method from Batch Apex in Salesforce?73. What is the purpose of the Database.BatchableContext object in the Execute method?74. Can you use System.debug in a Queueable Apex job?75. What is the purpose of the Database.RaisesPlatformEvents annotation in Batch Apex?Conclusion